May 23, 2003

There are some places on this earth where time does not mean quite the same thing as it does elsewhere. Especially it does not mean what it means in North America. I am in one of those places now, but since this place is located in North America, everything is even more squeued. We have come to calling it 'clock time' and 'event time.' People are confused by this concept, especially since our jobs are dependant on both. This can sometimes be quite irksome, especially when deadlines are given. Deadlines are often misinterpreted. One never knows if it is a clock time deadline, or an event time deadline. It can be annoying either way. For example, if you are given a deadline and you completely live up to it only to arrive fully prepared and the deadline really is next week sometime and you have to wait around and look like you are busy until then so everyone can catch up to you. Or, on the other side, if you have a publication due to go out, the submissions are really due on clock time, no matter what other event time things are going on, then you are really screwed if everyone takes the deadline to be an event time.


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