February 11, 2004

A Fish

Yesterday, while in a meeting, I was presented with a fish.

It is a big thing to go ice fishing right about now, and everyone is doing it. My students are infinitely excited about it all day long and can't wait until school is over so they can go. They make and change plans about who they are going to go with. They all say they are going to catch me a fish, but this is the first fish I have gotten. I usually say, when they tell me that they are going to catch me a fish, that they should make sure their families have enough before they give me one. But yesterday, I got one!

The student walks into the meeting with a fish that is just about half his length. The fish has just got clubbed on the head, so it is still kind of moving. The meeting basically stops, because who can keep talking about curriculum matters when there is a huge wet fish in the room! I mananged to get the fish into a bag and wash up and return to the meeting.

The only bad thing is that the fish is from the lake, which has elevated levels of mercury in it, and you aren't supposed to eat the fish from it.

Oh, and the other bad thing was that I had to clean it and butcher it myself. It reminded me of a squid incident that me and my SO had that put us off squid for a long time (maybe forever in my case). I don't know how to deal with this fish.


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