June 12, 2004


So, last night I went to bed. All in good health like and such. Feeling fine. Tired but fine. So I read a Roald Dahl book and then I went to sleep. Sometime in the night, it all went horribly horribly wrong.
"AAAAAAAAaaaaaa!" I screamed, at some point last night, while attempting to roll from my right side to my left side. My dogs immediately jumped up on me to make sure nothing was killing me. I think something has snapped or broken in my right shoulder area, preventing me from moving my arm from shoulder to wrist. Or at least, it is sprained. I woke up screaming several more times during the night, but the dogs were more used to it and stayed on the floor, but still woke up and came over to show their concern.
When I mean I can't move that part, I mean, I can't move it certain ways, like to pull up my pants. Can't do it. Usually I forget though and scream in the bathroom. I am not much of a pain screamer, I am much more of a pain whiner, but this focused pain is shocking in its intensity. Right now, the last bathroom trip pain is wearing off, and it is not that sore. Soon it won't be sore at all and I will maybe not remember and try to pull up my pants again. Then I will scream again.
Oh yeah, and since my last update, I have still not written one report card. At least I have opened word.


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