July 01, 2004

Particle Man

Particle man
Particle man
Does whatever a particle can

Canada day here rocks! Yeah baby!
I watched all manner of people walk past my parents house (the prostitutes vacated with the increase in foot traffic). Then, when the thunder storm hit, I watched them all walk back, drenched, cold, and huddled.
I also found out my parents computer does not have Word. Does not have. Can you do anything without Word? I can't. It really sucks because at 9:00 tomorrow I should be getting a resume out. Can't get it out because it isn't prepared. Can't go into the place where I temped last summer and do it because they are all off on a really long weekend. Argh. And I forget how to update my webpage, which is actually relevant to my search for a job, because it is a professional webpage with more than you would ever want to know about me and my teaching career.
Stupid Word. Apparently I talked to my brother and we can't put it back on because we don't have this other program because a porn virus ate up everything. F'ing porn.
I am stuck. I have a million things to do and I feel like I can't get any of them done. I hate not moving forward. Some tasks seem so large too. Ugh. So much to do and I feel the time pressure on me too. Things are riding on me!!!! At least, I think they are. Kind of I was told that they kind of are, so that makes me feel I ought to get my ass in gear.

Particle man


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