March 01, 2005

Back to the Golf Course

One day I will meet this lady and talk to her about working for her. I swear it!

I am just at my friend's house, waiting for her to blow-dry her hair (yes I realized it's noon, but she has two kids, one still in diapers, how can she find time to blow-dry her hair?) and then we will leave. When I walked into the house she was on the phone. So I went to the kitchen, ate a piece of coffee cake, made myself a monster meat-loaf sandwich and drank a cup of tea. Then, I came downstairs and she got off the phone.

"I don't have cramps today," I told her, "and look," (poke poke) "I can touch my breasts without dying of agony. I am glad my period started."
"Well," she said, "You seem bloated." and pointed to my stomach.
"Oh, that." I said, "I just ate a huge meatloaf sandwich and cookies and tea."
"You're hilarious. At least you will gain weight if you come to my house enough." she said.
We heartily laughed and went on our merry ways. (Hers was to blow-dry her hair and mine was to clean up the mess I had made on the stove).

She has the best blow-dryer. I am jealous. It turns on when you touch the handle and turns off when you let it go. Better than my hair-dryer that I thought was the best and that I have had since grade 9. Still, my hairdryer is pretty good.


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