April 03, 2005


But these are the times when she is the happiest

Okay, I don't think I have had such a bad day in a long time. It started with a crappy crappy sleep as I tried to start adjusting to daylight savings time a little early. This was followed by chocolate chip oatmeal cookies which were the highlight of the day. Then, I got in a disagreement with my roommate's boyfriend in which I asked him to leave the house. After this I went to my friend's house where my dog had diarrhea all over the entrance way. I put the dog outside and while I was cleaning up the diarrhea, my friend accidentally erased the cover letter that I had been working on, a new version from scratch, that, of course, I hadn't saved yet but was completely finished. I re-did the cover letter and then went to find the dog gone.

She's still gone and it is 9.5 hours later. What does a girl do without her dog?


Blogger Fist said...

Shit, hope you find her. Your dog seems dominated by her appetite: where would she go to eat and what, is what I'm wondering.

4:06 am  
Blogger Muss said...

She would eat garbage and be very happy. She would also catch rabbits and squirrels if she needed to. She's a talented dog with a stomach of steel (which is why diarrhea is so out of character and unexpected).

1:33 pm  

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