May 04, 2005

The Signs

So, at RAKI RAKI FARM, you can buy produce, trade, buy, or sell autos, and return your empties for deposit. Only it is closed right now due to highway construction. This is just down from the SUSHI ANIMAL HOSPITAL. All on the same road. Go figure.
I have a huge document, over 60 pages, from my lawyer, concerning the accident I was in. I have no idea what any of it means.
In 2 hours I have a job interview.
I have 1 job offer already, I just have to sign on the dotted line. I have another interview on Friday, and I will be offered that job as well. I know another lady is interested in me, but she is going to lose out because I won't wait around for her, no matter how good her school is.
They are offering me lots of money.
I have a headache from this job as we speak. Yesterday, I almost had to pull over my car and get ill because I felt so crappy. I came in, realized it was the accountant's day off and felt better. Then he walked in the door and I felt just as crappy.
Life is too short, but the actual time I will be at this job is also very short.


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