August 09, 2005


I have a talent.

I can take headaches away. So you never knew you had one to begin with. Migraines I am not so good at, but I can make it into a normal headache that can be taken away with drugs and rest.

Sometimes I need help to do this. Sometimes I need a third person.

Sometimes I am greedy with my talent, letting people suffer before I help them, or choosing not to help them. Sometimes I make them ask me for help again and again. Sometimes taking away the headaches takes too much out of me. Sometimes I can't handle the reasons why the headaches came in the first place.


Blogger SafeTinspector said...

How are you with feelings of angst?

10:19 am  
Blogger Muss said...

I can do angst too, but it is more of a long term thing. Headaches are immediately noticeable and therefore more impressive!

11:27 am  

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