July 07, 2006

500 Things Vinegar


So, I am in the top 3 of 500 things vinegar. How great! I am happy about that. I am also happy that my store was just talked up in the paper. I would make a link for that but our local paper isn't that big and there is no link to that story. What can you do?

And how vinegar is this picture?

Anyway, the 30 plus degree weather here has finally abated a bit, which makes me not so wilty and how about that baking with the hot oven all day in an un-airconditioned place too? Then there was the thunder storms and the forest fires and the smoke that has covered the city and made me unable to breath unless I keep a baby aspirator near me filled with water so I can squirt it up my nose and have some relief from the pressure. Which is better?

Oh I know, it was the one night I was able to go out for dinner, both my mother and I (yes, I went out for dinner with my mother and in fact, she is about the only person I have gone out to dinner with for just about as long as I can remember, sad really) and we both got food poisoning from our baked potatoes. Yes, that was definitely better.


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