July 01, 2006

A Mish-Mash Fixer Upper Kind Of

Today my mother and me made a fence to seperate her yard into two parts to keep our dogs from each other. Our dogs do not like each other and have always been seperated, except twice. Once was to introduce them and once was when my dad accidently let them both out at the same time and they got into a fight and my dog ended up just about losing his hand. My mother was never interested in having them together before, saying her dog just couldn't deal with it. But now, with me living here indefinitely, she has decided it is time.

So we built a fence. Partly for accidents if they get out at the same time and partly to have them become used to each other.

The fence itself, apparently we used some sewing stitches to hold it together with the wire we were stringing through it. We were sewing a fence I guess. It looks ... well, as a fence made by two people who have never made a fence before would look. But it is sturdy.


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