No rice for me
Time for a picture. I decided to buy a rice cooker. I decided a rice cooker would make my life easier. I decided it would save me time and allow me to have more nutritious meals if I purchased a rice cooker. And a timer. So I went to purchase a rice cooker. I did not need one that cooked up to 20 cups of rice. I did not need one that could steam vegetables at the same time. I did want one that was not teflon. Apparently all these features are too much to ask for in one product in a mid-sized northern Canadian town. I thought I had found the only non non-stick rice cooker in London Drugs. So I bought it. Only to find out on the way to my car that it was indeed a non-stick. So I returned it. The next day I went to The Bay to look for a rice cooker with the features I desired. It was not to be. No rice cooker could I find. Instead, I found a bathing suit. An impractical bathing suit, but a new suit nontheless. Two piece. Not going to be able to do anything but float around in it. It is impossible to find a one piece bathing suit that fits me that doesn't make me look like I am twelve or is a granny suit. Yes, I could buy a speedo, but that would be foolish. I don't really need that level. Just a normal bathing suit that one wouldn't flop out of whilst in the water. Sigh
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