May 22, 2007


Now not only the name of a catchy new book, but my next blog entry as well. I was just reading Dooce, and it reminded me of several experiences I have had. Not the trying to find out about having cancer, but of rashed I have had. Since the beginning of time I have been prone to rashes. I get about one bad one a year. By bad, I mean it covers my entire body, or has my flesh falling off, hey, I wonder if I can classify my flesh eating disease as just the bad rash of the year? This one rash time I was in emergency, not for rash reasons, and was wearing a gown, you know, sick enough to be in emergency and without clothes, but the doctor was more concerned about all these little weird spots and told me as such. Luckily, I was seeing a dermatologist at the time. And this is how it relates. It was a TEACHING dermatologist. This rash I had, well, it was the worse on my inner thighs. You can see where this is going. Every time, and yes, I had to go multiple times because every time I went he just told me to try another anti-histamine and you know, the 5 previous ones didn't work, so guess what, the next one didn't either, I had to remove my pants and bend over the table so him and the cute medical students and wannabe dermatologists could look at my inner thighs.

Thanks for listening.


Blogger Hermes said...

I don't want to come to any rash conclusions but it seems that the behaviour of your doctor was a blemish on the good name of medicine... at least they were cute.

8:36 am  
Blogger Muss said...

Well, it was all in the name of showing the new doctors what a weird rash I had ... I think ...

2:58 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...


i once had a gastroscopy done at a teaching hospital. i am a girl with a vicious gag reflex to begin with-so needless to say they had to hold me down! and all the while, the students gawked at me and my innards up on a screen. but "bend over let me gawk"- that sounds even worse!!.when it was over i was heaving and crying all at the same time. but a friend bought me a beautiful pot of tulips on the way home. so sweet. did they ever find out what it was?

5:55 am  
Blogger Muss said...

No, they never did. I just stopped going and eventually the rash cleared up by itself.

6:23 am  

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