June 09, 2007


Every night as I fall asleep I think of witty and interesting things to say, but they are never there in the morning.

So, even though there is no reason, according to western medicine, why accupuncture, accupressure, or reflexology should work, it can prove it does. How weird is that? They have the instruments to see the results but not to determine the cause. Anyway, so they touched points, or did whatever, while doing a brain scan. 'Lo and behold, the corresponding organ part lit up in the brain. So it does something, this energy movement/blockage stuff.

I could've told you that. And now introducing flaky Muss.

I have been noticing something lately. Going Monday through Friday I get increasingly ... play violent. Play violent means I pretend to kick and chop and punch, and talk about it more and more. Over the weekend, it tends to dissipate. I wondered why and what was up with all that violence. I am not a violent person by nature. But, if you think about it, Monday to Friday I am surrounded by violent individuals. Youths who have done violent things and have had violent things done to them. For the majority of the time, say 99%, I don't see any violence there. I hear about quite a bit more, as we discuss cases and students and just life in general. We have a swayed view on things, well, a little perhaps. I think that and the energy of the violence surrounding me builds up in me until I can let it go. Some at night, but more over the weekend. I guess this is okay, because I am unlikely to act on the violence and I am a safe way to get rid of some of it. I can't prove this energy transfer thing in this circumstance, but I can suspect it strongly. I really think things from these kids I spend so much one on one time with, kids who look forward to seeing me, who have maybe one of the most normal relationships that have happened in their life with me, pass to me. What else can explain my cravings for drinking excessively, drugs, cigarettes, and the sudden occurrence of play violence? Sudden urges that pass quickly I might add and that I would never act on. Urges that last maybe a second or two at most.

Okay. Send the men with the white coats for me now.


Blogger Hermes said...

No white coats for you! Instead you get... a comment from me!! I believe that emotions and trauma can transfer from person to person. You and I have witnessed that with behaviour and pain being inherited from one generation to the next. I think everyone has seen how one person in a horrible or abusive mood can make everyone around them depressed or pissed off. The one who can rise above letting these exterior influences dictate their actions is a strong individual. One who can take absolute control and guide one's own moods and thoughts is... well, that person is truly enlightened. You strike me as strong and on the road to enlightenment. For myself, it takes too much energy to fend off negative energy. I just allow myself to be crabby and don't think about it. A much more Taoist approach.

8:59 pm  
Blogger Unknown said...

it just sounds like a little frustration. maybe it's time for a kickboxing class! that way you can't drink and smoke since your hands will be busy or..i wonder what drunken kickboxing looks like?

sounds like you're making a nice difference in the lives of those you help. don't forget to do the same for you!

3:19 am  

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