August 01, 2007


Since I can remember in my adult life I have been having dreams with a re-occurrent dream. A couple nights ago was the latest.

I dreamt I was nine months pregnant. I was going into labour. It hurt, but not as much as I thought it would, and not as much as it has hurt in other dreams. I was at home and I would go on my hands and knees and make noises to get through the pain. The pain progressed as the labour progressed. Finally I decided I was in transition and should get myself to the hospital. Somehow, in the confusion to get there, I lost the father. I pushed those babies out, both girls. The father got there just in time to cut the cords. I asked him if he had waited until I delivered the placenta, but since they weren't in distress, I wasn't too concerned about that. We named them but they still hadn't cried. The birthing of the babies also did not hurt as much as I thought it would or as much as it hurt in other dreams. I commented on this to people in the dream and they told me each birth is different, and I was being lucky (blessed) with this one.

I have this dream, or this type of dream, or a dream of being pregnant very frequently. Sometimes, almost every night. Now, about once every month or two.


Blogger Hermes said...

The thing to remember is what did you name the babies? Even dream children need their names and we shouldn't forget them in the waking world. What will you call them when you see them next if you don't remember their names?

12:52 am  
Blogger Muss said...

I'll remember the names, always.

6:57 am  

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