August 22, 2007

Move Here. Now.

I am going through a phase. Ha ha. A good friend of mine just visited me and I swear, every second sentence I said was, "Move here." I have decided I want all my good friends around me. I think I sent an email to Fist/Finnegan and told him that too. Lawn, Sugar, move here soon. Both Michelles, it is your time to move too. Even my ex. Ex! Move here! Move here now! Illyria, time for a change. Everyone else, close and somewhat close, come here. Come here and laugh until you cry, play until you fall asleep, run until you fall over.


Blogger Unknown said...

so sweet :)

"I have decided I want all my good friends around me"

can't be a bad thing!

3:03 am  
Blogger Hermes said...

You're the only good thing about that town.

3:00 pm  
Blogger {illyria} said...

i wish i had enough money (and courage) for a one-way ticket.

12:55 am  

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