November 15, 2007

Little Dog

So I have a little dog. I got him a while back. He was an adult already and had picked up some annoying little dog habit, such as jumping up all the time. So the other day, yesterday to be exact, my mother was letting the dogs into my house. See, she's nice like that, as I work 10 to 12 hour days and they can't wait that long to pee. It is nice for both of us, so they don't have to try and I don't have to clean up pee. Anyway, she was letting the dogs in from letting them out, and my little dog comes hopping into the house on his back legs. Hop! Hop! Hop! Frantically waving his front paws in little circles. Me! Me! ME! I AM A DOG!! When all of a sudden, he falls over backwards. I have never seen this, but I heavily discourage any such two paw on the floor only tricks so that he isn't so much on two paws as he is for my pushover mom. Well, not only does he fall over backwards, he falls over backwards into their water dish, which is conveniently placed near the door for such circumstances. The water spills everywhere but then, THEN, he doesn't stop hopping. He gets right up and continues to hop and run all over the house with my mom trying to catch him to dry him off as well as stop him from going through the water that he just spilled.

Boy is he glad I wasn't there for that. Heh.


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