August 22, 2007

Move Here. Now.

I am going through a phase. Ha ha. A good friend of mine just visited me and I swear, every second sentence I said was, "Move here." I have decided I want all my good friends around me. I think I sent an email to Fist/Finnegan and told him that too. Lawn, Sugar, move here soon. Both Michelles, it is your time to move too. Even my ex. Ex! Move here! Move here now! Illyria, time for a change. Everyone else, close and somewhat close, come here. Come here and laugh until you cry, play until you fall asleep, run until you fall over.

August 17, 2007


A stolen kiss? No. This one was taken.
Hard mean hands held the body and face in the rightful place.
You'll kiss me. You'll kiss me back. You'll do it. Don't make me get mad.
Harsh words from such a bigger stronger meaner little prick.
You stop squirming. You stop shaking. You stop screaming. You better act like you like this.

based on the true life experiences of a small girl

August 16, 2007

Okee dokee

So last night I had this dream (I know, I know, you aren't supposed to blog about dreams because who the hell really cares about your dreams but really, mine are something else and I have been having them so rarely I feel the need. They will entertain you and make you go "wtf" at least).

In it, was a guy that I made out with one night, oh, about a decade ago. We were walking around a town after a nuclear bomb had been dropped looking for alcohol in various stores (not looting, they were all running and funky too). He bought some engagement rings for a girl that he was going to marry, with pink diamonds. Sometime in the booze search, he decided or something happened that he wasn't going to marry her so he asked me to hold these rings. So I did. In my mouth. And eventually they turned into candy and slowly dissolved in my mouth which really upset him while we got on a plane. I had bought some Kahlua.

August 14, 2007

Update on the Pants

I had two options, fly to Vancouver for the day to buy suitable clothing, or call my friend to buy me some clothes in a store I frequent and I usually wear the same size in all the time and see if she can ship me up some clothes. Okay, I didn't fully explore both options to the fullest. I phoned my friend and waited for her to call me back. She did! She can! And she is going to drive up and deliver the clothes herself! Multiple outfits to choose from! (She says I can send the other ones back with her but I have a feeling I will just keep them). She kept asking me if she should phone me from the store to see if I liked what she was picking, even sending me photos from her phone, but since she has picked out the majority of clothes that I wear, I told her that I trusted her to pick something good.

We will see ...

August 13, 2007

What the Hell???

So I went shopping today. I need a pair of grey dress pants and a button up shirt (or blouse). I went to every place that sells women's clothing here. I could not find anything. Okay, okay, not entirely true, I wanted some pants that didn't look cheap-ass, and in fact, weren't cheap-ass. I wanted this new outfit to wear to my pre-trial discovery, which is coming up quickly. I have to look good, professional, trust-worthy, believable, all of which things I am. I am trying to plan for my future with this lawsuit, my new post-accident crippled future. I have waited for years for this and I am not going to let it go because I can't find a pair of pants to wear!

I finally found something in one store, but they didn't get anything in less than a size 6. I am currently emailing my dear friend in Vancouver to go into my favorite store and pick me out something to wear because this town sucks for clothes! This is ridiculous. Everyone in this town is short and fat, or teenage, or old. The clothing reflects this.

Train Wreck

No, not my life, an actual event.

See, two weekends ago two trains collided across from South Fort George. There was a huge fire and a voluntary evacuation for the area across the river and up on the bank above them. Huge black clouds of foul smelling smoke billowed up. Our house is a bit away from it, but we evacuated everyone (pets included) because of the smell mostly, just couldn't be good breathing in that stuff. They said it was just diesel fuel burning off and everything was fine. They deny any spill even though there have been many pictures taken with the river on fire (you know, 'cause water is so flammable). It took a long time to put out, 12 hours for the 30 m high flames, and 24 to 48 to get it all. Nope, no chemicals involved.

Working where I do and being that the place was on evacuation alert too, and what a huge deal that is, I get some information that may not be given to the general public. Like that fact that just a few cars back from where the trains hit and exploded, was a propane car. A full propane car.

What the hell. That would have levelled South Fort George across the river, hundreds if not thousands would have been killed. Our house would have survived, but definitely would have been harmed, and we are blocks away from the river. I can't believe this. We are selling our safety, our crown corporations for this?

August 06, 2007

Oh the choices ....

Today, should I take the dogs out to the lake and swim and lie in the sun reading yoga magazines (because they are the only reading material I have right now and hey, I get the sent to me for a reason), or clean out my storage room and take my bathroom door off the hinges, sand it and prep it for painting ....

I think I already know the answer to that question. Heh.

August 01, 2007


Since I can remember in my adult life I have been having dreams with a re-occurrent dream. A couple nights ago was the latest.

I dreamt I was nine months pregnant. I was going into labour. It hurt, but not as much as I thought it would, and not as much as it has hurt in other dreams. I was at home and I would go on my hands and knees and make noises to get through the pain. The pain progressed as the labour progressed. Finally I decided I was in transition and should get myself to the hospital. Somehow, in the confusion to get there, I lost the father. I pushed those babies out, both girls. The father got there just in time to cut the cords. I asked him if he had waited until I delivered the placenta, but since they weren't in distress, I wasn't too concerned about that. We named them but they still hadn't cried. The birthing of the babies also did not hurt as much as I thought it would or as much as it hurt in other dreams. I commented on this to people in the dream and they told me each birth is different, and I was being lucky (blessed) with this one.

I have this dream, or this type of dream, or a dream of being pregnant very frequently. Sometimes, almost every night. Now, about once every month or two.